Brad’s Musings for Sunday Afternoon…

I just read an article about how dogs recognize human emotions. This kind of freaks me out. I mean, I’ve always known Bitsy seems pretty intune with me, but, now there’s science telling me that she really does truly understand and recognize my facial expressions.

Here’s the article.

So — this obviously begs the question, if she knows I hate giving her baths, why does she persist on rolling in the most stinky things? I found her pawing at a bush when we were on our walk only to find a sad dead bird… I did everything I could to keep down my taquitos but that makes this 2 baths in a week… I’m very much over this…

I’m on the look out for a new dog shampoo too. I usually go to Target and get what’s on sale, but recently Bitsy has looked a little too fluffy (and static-y)… Does anyone have any suggestions for her coat? I’ve noticed cavaliers who aren’t spayed aren’t as fluffy as she is, I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong.

Don’t Buy things at 3am…

So – over the holidays I succumbed to a 3am infomercial… after 16 AAA batteries completely drained, I can say, without a doubt – Bitsy and I are completely disappointed in the KnotOut brush…

On the bright side, we’ve discovered that when we go too long without going to the groomers, Bitsy can really rock a good comb-over / pompadour.

Maybe she and I should go out on the town and I can gel my hair and we can be one of those rockabilly duos.

Brad and Bitsy

Happy Tongue Out Tuesday Everyone!